It's a little past midnight (basically Wednesday morning) and we're putting finishing touches on our yoyos. This past week has been a whirlwind, but we finally made it through. Check it out! We just finished assembling all 50 yoyos, string and all. Here's a summary of what we the last few days. Thursday, 5/9 Tested the photo molds with the key — it worked! We found that the photo piece shrunk slightly more than anticipated, so we remachined the photo mold to be a bit wider at the based so that it can't slip into the yoyo body cavity. Also touched up the mold bottoms with a finer stepover to be perfectly smooth. Put together our first full assembly. So satisfying! Featuring a magnetic click. Friday, 5/10 A few more touch-ups on the photo mold. Sanded molds so that machining features didn't show up on injection molded parts. Tested photo molds Honed injection molding parameters for top piece Filed down thermoform die after realizing the piece did...
Over the past couple weeks, we’ve experienced some machining set-backs, but we have successfully machined all of our molds (except the photo mold, which will be machined today in class!). We have created our first assembled yoyo, which can be seen in the picture at the right . One of the issues that we had was that we accidentally machined our holes too large for our dowel pins, so we had to remachine the cores of the top and bottom camera piece with a smaller diameter. We then had to ream our holes and press fit in our dowel pins. We learned that the difference between what should work in paper and what does in real life is significant: our holes needed to fit 5/64” pins, but we ended up only reaming to .076” because the holes were too large the previous time. This time they fit perfectly, which was super satisfying for our team. Previously, we had used Loctite, which had super inconsistent results - one of our dowel pins fell into the mold and the other one broke right off. We al...